Phone: 847-984-8701
Attendance at Woodland D50
We love to see all of our Wildcats in school! When do we want to see you? Every day, and on-time.
We understand that sometimes it is necessary to miss school for an illness, or other excused absence. If your child will not be at school, please notify the school as early as possible. As noted in the Parent-Student Handbook, when a student is absent or will be tardy, the parent should contact the school office within two hours of the start of the school day. The school will attempt to contact parents/guardians of absent students who have not called by 10:00 a.m. The absence will be considered unexcused if contact is not established.
If you are unable to enter the absence in Skyward, please call the Attendance Line:
Primary Attendance
Elementary Attendance
Phone: 847-984-8801
Intermediate Attendance
Phone: 847-596-5901
Middle School Attendance
Phone: 847-856-3401
If you need to pick your child up from school before dismissal, please email Include student's name, time of pickup, reason, and indicate who will be picking up the student.
Absences Add Up
Missing more than 10% of the school year is disruptive to academic growth for children of all ages. That's just 18 days, or 2-3 days per month. This isn’t simply a matter of truancy or skipping school. Many times these absences are excused and tied to health problems, such as asthma, diabetes, and oral and mental health issues. Whatever the reason for the absence, or whether or not the absence is excused, we all must work together to understand what barriers may exist for a child to attend school consistently. Chronic absences can lead to students having difficulty learning to read by the third-grade, underperforming in middle school, and failing to graduate from high school.
Starting Strong!
Set the tone for the school year by making sure your student attends school every day in September. Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. (Attendance Works, 10 Facts About School Attendance)
Lake County Regional Office of Education - Attendance & Truancy
Attendance Support for Families (English and Spanish)
Attendance Works - Advancing Academic Success by Reducing Chronic Absence