Click this link and enter the requested information
When completed, click on the orange bar and you will receive an email containing a login and password
Click the link in the email to go to Skyward Enrollment Access Page and enter the login and password to start the enrollment process
Registration Information
Returning Student Registration
Returning Student Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year is now open.
The returning student registration process for the 2024-2025 school year will be available through our web-based Skyward Family Access program. This process will allow you to update family information, permission form, emergency contact information, bus, and health information for your child. You will also be able to pay your registration fees and make a food service payment.
To access the online registration system you will need your confidential Family Access Login and Password. If you need your Family Access login credentials please send an email to
New Student Registration
Woodland will begin accepting applications for NEW Student Registration on June 10, 2024.
Required Registration Documents
Parent/Legal Guardian picture identification
Child’s state issued legal birth certificate (7:50-AP)
Court documents: Custody or Guardianship (if applicable)
Minimum One document from each category required
Category 1
Current property tax bill or Form 1098
Current mortgage statement or closing documents
Signed lease with current terms and all occupants listed
Letter from the management office verifying and approving all occupants (apartments and mobile home parks)
Category 2
Driver’s license, photo ID or matricula card with current address
Vehicle registration or voter registration card
Current public aid card or credit card bill
Current Homeowners or Renters insurance policy
Current gas, electric, cable, phone, or waste management
Additional Residency forms if Applicable (Forms must be Notarized)
Several notaries are available at the Woodland Educational Support Center, 1105 N. Hunt Club Road, Gurnee IL 60031
Residency Affidavits are required to be renewed each school year. Forms are available under student forms on our website.
Form (7:60-E1) Letter of residence from landlord in Lieu of Lease – Form is available under student forms.
Form (7:60-E2) Residency Affidavit - to be used when the person seeking to enroll a student is living with a district resident. The Residency Affidavit must be signed by both the Parent and the District Resident in front of a Notary Public to be valid.
Form (7:60-E3) Guardianship Affidavit- Evidence of Non-Parent’s Custody, Control and Responsibility of a Student Form – Non –Parent seeking to enroll a student must complete and sign this form – Form is available under student forms.
CUSTODY DOCUMENTS - Anyone with a Custody Order seeking to enroll a Student presents a Court Order, Agreement, Judgment or Decree that awards or gives Custody of the students to any person including divorce decrees awarding Custody to one or both.
Registration Staff will be reviewing all proof of residency documents uploaded to Skyward to ensure residency documents are current and accurate. You will be notified if your application is approved.
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact the Registration Department at or via phone to Cindy Viverito @ (847) 596-5682 or Cathy Ochoa @ (847) 596-5683 – Español.
New Students:
There are two types of new students to the district.
Your entire family is new to the district and no other siblings have already been enrolled. (See NEW District 50 Families below)
Your family is already part of the district from other siblings, and you are adding a new student from your family for the first time. (See CURRENT District 50 Families below)
Please use the following link to verify that your address is within our district boundaries:
Lake County Maps
NEW District 50 Families
CURRENT District 50 Families
Go to "Family Access", located in the top right navigation bar, or click this link
Enter your Skyward Login and Password
Click on the “New Student Enrollment” on your Family Access page
Complete all steps and submit your application

Cindy Viverito - District Registrar
Phone: (847) 596-5682

Catalina Ochoa - Registrar Assistant
Phone: (847) 596-5683

Lanée Walls, Associate Superintendent of Educational Services
Phone: (847) 596-5634
The Registration Office is part of the Educational Services Department.